38 research outputs found

    User Analysis of Library Usage to Fulfill Information Needs

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pemanfaatan Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (UNAIR). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang menggunakan mahasiswa UNAIR sebagai sampel penelitian. Data diperoleh dari 494 responden yang diambil dengan metode incidental sampling. Untuk memastikan validnya data, ke 494 responden tersebut ialah mahasiswa yang sudah pernah berkunjung ke perpustakaan selama proses perkuliahannya, khususnya pernah mengikuti masa masa orientasi pengenalan kampus. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan formula Yamane. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan perpustakaan masih seperti nilai rata-rata, ini ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya skor tingkat kunjungan mahasiswa (3.24%) dan tingkat peminjaman koleksi (38.9%). ABSTRACT:This research aims to examine the usage level of Universitas Airlangga Surabaya’s (UNAIR) library. This research applied descriptive-qualitative method with the students of UNAIR Surabaya used as samples. The 494 samples taken through incidental sampling are being studied and analyzed using the Yamane formula. To obtain valid data, each student must have ever visited the library during the study in UNAIR, especially during the student orientation program. It is concluded that the usage of UNAIR library is still on the average level, it can be seen from the low number of students’ visits (3.24%) and collection borrowing (38.9%)

    The Strategy of University Library in Indonesia to Support World Class University (WCU)

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    This research aims to provide the detailed description of the implementation of library’s roles in supporting the World Class University in Universitas Airlangga and to give an overview of the obstacles that will be faced by the library of Universitas Airlangga in carrying out its role to support World Class University. This research used descriptive-qualitative research method to describe the implementation of library role in supporting world class university especially in providing information to support academic community research. The subject of this research is the activities conducted by five (5) libraries to support world class university such as Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Intitute Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Gadjam Mada (UGM) and Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Informants in this research are people who are considered to understand about the implementation of policies on world class university in the library. The data was collected by interview, live observation, and sorting supporting documents, such as: regulation letters, decree, references about World Class University, and other documents. The result of this research is about collection development to support WCU, human resource, library services and the strategic to support WCU. Conclusion of this paper is University Libraries have a strategic role in supporting the university towards world class university. But from a variety of strategies that can be seen that the university that is already included in the 500 WCU has a strategy that is more focused and clear and supported by large funding

    The interpretation of OPAC service in the Library of Universitas Airlangga

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    The application of OPAC service in the library has been going on for a long time. This service has given many advantages to users as a quick and accurate tool for information retrieval. Even so, not all people use OPAC service; in fact, previous researches reveal that the application of OPAC service is decreasing. Therefore, this study aims to find out what is the interpretation of OPAC by the users of the library of Universitas Airlangga, thus gaining a deeper analysis on the matter. The method used for this study is qualitative method, with purposive sampling as the technique to determine informants, while the techniques of data collection are done by in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study will be explained using Encoding-Decoding concept from Stuart Hall, which produces three position typologies of the users who used OPAC service in the university library. Those three positions are Dominant/hegemonic position where the users understand the meaning directly according to the purpose of OPAC service; Negotiated position reveals the position of the users who are quite understand the aim of OPAC service; and Oppositional position in which the users who strongly object the library’s purpose to provide a quick and accurate information provider through OPAC service

    Readiness For Digital Preservation In Indonesia

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    Libraries using institutional repositories aim to manage and preserve digital content. As digital collection providers, they must be prepared to face various problems, especially policy issues regarding how digital collections can develop and can meet user needs in a relatively long time (long-term use). The problem that will be faced is the age of data storage media which can only last at least 10 years so that digital collections must be copied again to reduce the possibility of losing the information contained in digital collections. This problem is one of the reasons for the digital preservation of repository digital collections which are intellectual and cultural property as well as assets for the repository itself. This preservation is a form of organizational readiness in maintaining the existence of the library and preserving the collection so that it has a long term of use. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with a random sampling process with 100 respondents netted in the webometric. Library readiness in digital preservation reaches the consolidate stage, repository institution consolidates its resources for the development of digital preservation. The factors included in this readiness are organizational infrastructure, technological infrastructure, and resources


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan tingkat sosial ekonomi dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri di SMA Muhammadiyah 10 GKB. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Populasi dari penelitian ini berjumlah 224 orang. subjek menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berjumlah 86 orang. Variabel Independen yang diteliti adalah tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, pengeluaran, dan pemenuhan kebutuhan orang tua. Sedangkan Variabel dependen yang diteliti adalah kejadian anemia. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman’s Rho. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara ketahanan pangan (p=0,042). Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan ayah (p=0,785), pendidikan ibu (p=0,872), pekerjaan ayah (p=0,599), pekerjaan ibu (p=0,421), pendapatan rumah tangga (p=0,412) dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja di SMA Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Gresik. Diharapkan pihak sekolah dapat memberikan edukasi tentang anemia, asupan gizi, dan ketahanan pangan pada remaja dan keluarga. Kata Kunci: Anemia, Asupan Energi, Remaja, Sosial Ekonomi Keluarg

    Information Institution Services in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic affects all community activities from offices to institutions, including libraries in Indonesia. The Indonesian government eventually implemented \u27work from home\u27 and \u27study from home\u27 policies so as to make institutions such as libraries undergo adjustments, where librarians work at home and visitors are prohibited from leaving the house. Students are also mandated to study at home, causing them unable to visit the library. Because of this policy and pandemic conditions, libraries in Indonesia have begun to adjust their services and make the latest service policies to facilitate their users. Therefore, this research aims to examine what new policies are planned and implemented by libraries in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit of this research is to illustrate that libraries in Indonesia have begun to adjust their services according to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, in hope that the new policies can be reviewed soon. This research uses descriptive quantitative method by examining a sample of 50 libraries, both in state and private universities. The findings of this study emphasize that libraries in Indonesia have maximized e-resources services, and have been running well routinely, while e-resources that are most frequently accessed by users are e-journals. In addition to e-resouces, the service that is maximized is the use of library\u27s social media to promote digital services and conduct creative programs, namely live Instagram and digital seminars through webinars. However, on the other hand the service and program policies are not yet fully innovative and creative. There are still many new policies that can be adopted by libraries in Indonesia such as collection handling policies, collection quarantine, digital storytelling, the addition of e-books and e-magazines, and digital circulation services or normal circulation service but with strict health protocols.Keywords: word; another word; lower case except names

    Library and Information (LIS) Research Topics in Indonesia from 2006 to 2017

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    Library and information research (LIS) has grown significantly asmore and more library and information science programs were established. The oldest LIS program in Indonesia is the Library and Information Department at the University of Indonesia (DIP UI) which was established in 1942. Since then, LIS at University of Indonesia has become a barometer for many other LIS programs in Indonesia. Other reputable LIS programs are Library & Information Science (JIIP) at Padjadjaran University, Department of Information and Library (DIIP) at Universitas Airlangga, and Library and Information Science at Diponegoro University, which are all located in big capital cities in Java Island. The development of LIS programs has a big contribution to the development of LIS research areas. Through their undergraduate theses and other scientific papers, LIS students have also had significant contributions to the development of LIS topics. Thesis is a compulsory unit for the bachelor degree in LIS in Indonesia, and so far there have been thousands of research in LIS conducted since the 1950s up to 2010s. However, there have not been many papers discussing the research trends in LIS in Indonesia. The aim of this chapter is to investigate the LIS research trends in Indonesia from 2006 to 2017. We took 5 reputable universities in Indonesia that have LIS programs as the sample, namely Universitas Airlangga-Surabaya, Diponegoro University-Semarang, Padjadjaran University-Bandung, North Sumatera University-Medan, and the University of Indonesia-Jakarta. The research samples are undergraduate theses that are available online in the institutional repositories of those five universities. The popular student’s research topics are library and information resources, library and information services, information society, and information systems

    Knowledge Sharing in Libraries: A Case Study of Knowledge Sharing Strategies in Indonesian University Libraries

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    Knowledge sharing is believed by many organisations as a panacea for knowledge creation, and an important activity to boost innovation, improve productivity, and increase understanding among knowledge workers. Knowledge sharing has become a crucial activity in knowledge management and is adopted by many organisations especially in the develop countries. In Indonesia, there are not many organisations that implement knowledge management, however knowledge sharing is quite popular and is being used by organisations including library. There are not many libraries in Indonesia that implement knowledge management initiative formally, however, some libraries are conducting knowledge sharing regularly and that has become a formal programme in the libraries. Many libraries have knowledge sharing initiative for many purposes and they have different strategies when conducting knowledge sharing. This paper is investigating the knowledge sharing strategies, the technology that they use, and the knowledge sharing purposes and benefits as well as the knowledge sharing obstacles in university libraries in Indonesia. There are five university libraries that implement knowledge sharing. The purposes of this paper are (1) to describe the knowledge sharing strategies in those libraries, (2) to describe the technology and facility that support knowledge sharing in those libraries, (3) to explain the purposes and benefits of knowledge sharing for the librarians and the libraries, (4) to explain the obstacles during the knowledge sharing implementation, and (5) to describe how the knowledge documentation process works and how the knowledge is reused. The paper output is a recommendation of knowledge sharing best practices that can be used by other libraries to enhance their productivity. The research methodology is using quantitative approach, and the research population is all university libraries in Surabaya, while the sample criterion is university libraries that have been conducting knowledge sharing regularly for at least 12 months. The main data is gathered by interviewing the head and staff of the libraries and knowledge sharing coordinators by using semi-structured questionnaires. The research results show that those libraries have different names of the knowledge-sharing programme, and they allocate regular time for knowledge sharing. Furthermore, some libraries use social media for knowledge sharing and building a knowledge worker group. All library staffs are encouraged to get involved in knowledge sharing. The aim of knowledge sharing is to share best practices and lesson learned; the librarians also share their knowledge about their daily task, how to solve problems, and ideas for library development. The knowledge sharing obstacles are that not many librarians can express their ideas (shy/ silent), and some of participants treat this sharing activity as a mandatory activity. However, those libraries did not implement open access for the knowledge that is created from knowledge sharing

    The Utilization of Flashcards in Children Information Literacy Development

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    A Flashcard is one of the media to develop student information literacy in which its application includes activities of analyzing, writing and telling stories. Storytelling is a process of reading that is useful to increase the courage to appear in public. This research used descriptive method. For preliminary research, we used experiments, making flash cards as learning media for elementary students. After that, the students were interviewed. The results of this study indicate that students are very enthusiastic to start a flashcard game that they think is fun. The benefits of a flashcard game include improving language skills, increasing the ability to compose stories, remembering and memorizing, analyzing a problem, and enriching vocabulary. Apart from the cognitive side, the benefits of a flashcard game can also increase self-confidence, develop good and effective communication, and enhance creativity. The concept of a flashcard is a learning medium by playing. The advantages of flashcards include fun learning media, and simple and attractive shapes as they are pictorial and colorful


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi website perpustakaan digital UNAIR yang beralamat di www.lib.unair.ac.id melalui user evaluation teknik. Adapun komponen dari digital library UNAIR yang akan di evaluasi dengan menggunakan teori usefulnees digital library yang terdiri dari enam dimensi yakni format penyajian informasi, coverage (cakupan) informasi, relevance (kesesuain informasi yang disajikan), reliable (bisa dipertanggungjawabkan), dan level (tingkat aksesibilitas informasi). Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 50 responden, dengan teknik purposive sampling, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: (1) civitas akademia UNAIR, (2) pernah mengakses digital library website minimal 1 kali dalam sebulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa usefullness dari website perpustakaan UNAIR (lib.unair.ac.id) termasuk dalam kategori TINGGI dengan nilai 99.9 dan yang paling tinggi nilainya adalah format (misalnya .pdf, .jpg lain .doc)  dengan point 89.5 dan yang paling rendah adalah cakupan (yaitu ketepatan waktu dalam hal up- Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Pengguna, Perpustakaan Digital Abstract. This study aimed to evaluate the digital library website of Airlangga University (www.lib.unair.ac.id) through user evaluation technique. The components of the digital library that will be evaluated using usefulness digital library theory consisted of six dimensions namely information presentation format, information coverage, information relevance, information reliability, and information accessibility level. This study used a sample of 50 respondents selected by purposive sampling technique and with the following criteria: (1) Academic community of UNAIR, (2) Have accessed digital library website at least once a month. The results of the study suggested that the usefulness of UNAIR library website is considered in HIGH category with the score of 99.9. The highest score is for the format (e.g. pdf, jpg, doc) with 89.5 points and the lowest is the coverage (i.e. punctuality in terms of updating or diachronic completeness) with 109.6 Keywords: User Evaluation, Digital Librar